Managed Services
We prioritise the quality and condition of our equipment and have a diverse asset portfolio allowing us to support even the most challenging client project requirements with the ability to operate in a range of seabed conditions and water depths.
FIND OUT MORE Trenching Robotic Ancillary
Our team of highly skilled , permanent offshore personnel are highly motivated, professional individuals who are committed to delivering work at the highest standards.

We supply a variety of industry leaders with qualified offshore personell who can operate TROVs, WROVs & Subsea Ploughs from PT’s - Supervisors - Superintendents - Client Reps.
We have extensive experience working with energy developers, and are fully committed to supporting the continued growth of the offshore renewable sector.
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Equipment Personnel Careers Managed Services

Pharos Delivers Refurbished 20t A-Frame

After refurbishment of the recently acquired A-Frame, Pharos Offshore successfully delivered the handling system to the client who we have been working very closely with and are expanding our working relationship with.
Part of the refurbishment included a complete overhaul and service of the Hydraulic Cylinders, motors & gearboxes, with the Hydraulic Hoses being manufactured to NAS6, pressure tested and certified to industry standard. Pharos worked closely with Durham Lifting Ltd to establish a Test Procedure to prove the systems safe working load of 20t, proof tested during mobilisation to the vessel.
Director of Operations for Pharos Offshores facility with in the Port of Blyth, Chris Gamble, says, “We worked closely with our end client to deliver a refurbished A-Frame with vehicle specific docking interface to be used with a new build Trencher, in a very short time scale. A Pharos Offshore team of technicians conducted the refurbishment and modifications with the consensus of using off the shelf components to save on cost and delivery, whilst utilising local suppliers where possible and adding the benefits of offshore experience to ensure longevity and offshore readiness.”
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