Pharos Offshore Group are pleased to announce that our surface fed trenching vehicle UTV670 has completed her most recent cable burial installation campaign on a European Offshore Windfarm. UTV670 successfully buried 5 replacement inter array cables to the client’s specified burial requirements whilst facing challenging weather. Our offshore team’s skill and expertise throughout the project allowed for a safe and carefully executed project.
This season, UTV670 has worked on a variety of trenching projects covering power cable infrastructure, an O&G umbilical and inter array cables. The vehicle has been operating with x2 570hp diesel driven surface water pumps, providing an unmatched capability for its size of over 1100hp of water power.
If you would like to know more about this compact yet effective spread and how it could support your next project, please contact
#pharosoffshoregroup #trenching #renewables #interarraycables