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We prioritise the quality and condition of our equipment and have a diverse asset portfolio allowing us to support even the most challenging client project requirements with the ability to operate in a range of seabed conditions and water depths.
FIND OUT MORE Trenching Robotic Ancillary
Our team of highly skilled , permanent offshore personnel are highly motivated, professional individuals who are committed to delivering work at the highest standards.

We supply a variety of industry leaders with qualified offshore personell who can operate TROVs, WROVs & Subsea Ploughs from PT’s - Supervisors - Superintendents - Client Reps.
We have extensive experience working with energy developers, and are fully committed to supporting the continued growth of the offshore renewable sector.
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Deepwater multi-application jet trenching ROV

UTV600 Jet Trencher


Introducing: The UTV600

The UTV600 TROV is a deep water jet trencher. The system utilises several different techniques and features to facilitate controlled and precise jet trenching for a variety of sea states, seabed conditions, and project aims.
As a result, the UTV600 offers a versatile and efficient approach to seabed trenching.

Customisable Deepwater Jet Trenching

The UTV600 is capable of adjusting to project specific variables and can adapt to deliver a wide range of burial depths based on soil conditions and desired profiles to ensure optimal protection and stability for subsea installations. This adaptability improves the safety and durability of underwater infrastructure and minimises environmental impact.

Free Fly, Tracked & Skid Trenching

The UTV600’s operational modes allow for controlled trenching of cables, flowlines and umbilicals through a wide range of project variables. The system ensures that product burial tolerances are easily maintained with precision and reliability. ENQUIRE


Features at a Glance

  • Operational depth up to 3,000 meters, catering to the most demanding deepwater projects
  • Interchangeable jetting swords up to 3 meters, providing excellent adaptability
  • 600hp system power, ensuring powerful and efficient trenching operations
  • Operational modes allow for free-fly operations, and both tracked and skid trenching modes offering versatility in approach and execution
  • Supplied with a dedicated Sea State 6 Launch and Recovery System (LARS)
  • A newly upgraded control system provides interfacing between LARS, power system and subsea components, alongside next generation multiplexer to support survey sensor requirements


Looking for a shore-end shallow water trenching solution?

Explore the UTV1100

Environmentally Responsible Jet Trencher

The demands of subsea operations are constantly evolving, so remaining competitive requires not only advanced technology, but a partner committed to the protection of our oceans. The UTV600 contributes to our dedication to sustainable, efficient, and responsible seabed intervention.

•  The UTV600 uses readily bio-degradable lubricants
•  Pharos crews are trained to recognise a wide spectrum of seabed conditions
•  Pharos Engineers have experience in developing solutions for environmentally sensitive environments

We make every effort to protect the health of the marine environments we operate in,
while ensuring your projects exceed expectations.


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